Package-level declarations


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Marks declarations that are experimental in SDK API, which means their signatures and semantics will change between future releases without any warnings and without providing any migration aids.

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Marks declarations that are internal in SDK API, which means that should not be used outside of com.pexip.sdk, because their signatures and semantics will change between future releases without any warnings and without providing any migration aids.


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inline suspend fun <T> retry(times: Int = 5, initialDelay: <Error class: unknown class> = 100.milliseconds, maxDelay: <Error class: unknown class> = 1.seconds, factor: Double = 2.0, block: () -> T): T

A utility function that retries a given block if it encounters an IOException.

Inherited functions

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suspend fun <T> <Error class: unknown class><T>.awaitSubscriptionCountAtLeast(threshold: Int)

Awaits until this MutableSharedFlow has at least threshold subscribes.

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fun <Error class: unknown class>.WhileSubscribedWithDebounce(timeout: <Error class: unknown class> = 100.milliseconds): <Error class: unknown class>

Sharing is started when the first subscriber appears after a given timeout has passed since the most recent subscription and stops if there are no subscribers.