
interface ConferenceStep

Represents the Conference control functions section.


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A conference alias that this conference step will use.

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The request builder that produced this conference step.


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open fun availableLayouts(token: Token): Call<Set<LayoutId>>

This returns a list of all available layouts for the given conference.

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Sets the breakout ID.

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open fun clearAllBuzz(token: Token): Call<Boolean>

Lowers all raised hands.

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Sets the conference alias.

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open fun disconnect(token: Token): Call<Boolean>

Disconnects all conference participants, including the participant calling the function.

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open fun events(token: Token): EventSourceFactory

Subscribes to server-side events.

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open fun layoutSvgs(token: Token): Call<Map<LayoutId, String>>

This provides all SVG representations of the layouts that are active on the given conference.

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open fun lock(token: Token): Call<Boolean>

Locks the conference.

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open fun message(request: MessageRequest, token: Token): Call<Boolean>

Sends a message to all participants in the conference.

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open fun muteGuests(token: Token): Call<Boolean>

Mutes all guests in a conference.

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Sets the participant ID.

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Refreshes the token.

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open fun releaseToken(token: Token): Call<Boolean>

Releases the token.

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Requests a token for the conference alias.

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Configure whether or not guests can unmute themselves when they have been muted by a host (either directly muted or via muteGuests).

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Provides the theme resources of the conference (direct media only). Used in conjunction with the splash_screen server event, the relevant theme resources can be used to locally render a particular splash screen on the client.

open fun theme(path: String, token: Token): String

Creates a URL that points to a specific theme resource, such as an image.

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This request changes the conference layout, controls streaming content, and enables/disables indicators and overlay text.

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open fun unlock(token: Token): Call<Boolean>

Unlocks the conference.

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open fun unmuteGuests(token: Token): Call<Boolean>

Unmutes all guests in a conference.