data class Participant(val id: ParticipantId, val role: Role, val serviceType: ServiceType, val startTime: Instant?, val buzzTime: Instant?, val spotlightTime: Instant?, val displayName: String, val overlayText: String, val me: Boolean = false, val speaking: Boolean = false, val audioMuted: Boolean = false, val videoMuted: Boolean = false, val presenting: Boolean = false, val muteSupported: Boolean = false, val transferSupported: Boolean = false, val disconnectSupported: Boolean = false, val callTag: String = "", val clientAudioMuted: Boolean = audioMuted)
A conference participant.
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constructor(id: ParticipantId, role: Role, serviceType: ServiceType, startTime: Instant?, buzzTime: Instant?, spotlightTime: Instant?, displayName: String, overlayText: String, me: Boolean = false, speaking: Boolean = false, audioMuted: Boolean = false, videoMuted: Boolean = false, presenting: Boolean = false, muteSupported: Boolean = false, transferSupported: Boolean = false, disconnectSupported: Boolean = false, callTag: String = "", clientAudioMuted: Boolean = audioMuted)
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whether this participant has their audio muted
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whether this participant has their device audio muted
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whether this participant can be disconnected
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a display name of this participant
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an unique ID of this participant
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whether this participant can be muted
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an overlay text that is shown on top of this participant's remote video
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whether this participant is currently presenting
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a service type of this participant
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a UNIX timestamp representing the moment in time when this participant was spotlit, or null if they're currently not spotlit
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whether this participant can be transferred to a different conference
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whether this participant has their video muted