A media connection.
Disposes this MediaConnection and frees all held resources associated with it.
Sends DTMF digits to this MediaConnection.
Registers a RemoteVideoTrackListener for main video.
Registers a RemoteVideoTrackListener for presentation video.
Sets the main audio track.
Sets the DegradationPreference for main video stream.
Enables or disables the receive of remote audio.
Enables or disables the receive of remote video.
Sets the preferred aspect ratio for remote video.
Sets the main video track.
Sets the maximum bitrate for each video stream.
Sets the DegradationPreference for presentation video stream.
Enables or disables the receive of ongoing remote presentation video.
Sets the presentation video track.
Unregisters a RemoteVideoTrackListener for main video.
Unregisters a RemoteVideoTrackListener for presentation video.
Inherited functions
Converts this MediaConnection to a main remote video track Flow.
Converts this MediaConnection to a presentation remote video track Flow.
Converts this MediaConnection to a main remote video track StateFlow.
Converts this MediaConnection to a presentation remote video track StateFlow.